Why “NOW” is the time to act

Why “NOW” is the time to act

No one wants to see a pile of waste when going around a beautiful road covered with a canopy of trees. Well, It is almost a sight in many of the mainstream cities in India. A lot of it is to be attributed to abundant options available to drive our choices. Fast fashion is one such major contributor and the magnitude of ecological harm it is bringing to the planet is beyond control at the current velocity it is going. 

 I am certain many will resonate the same feeling going back a couple of decades when we were growing up. We used to get clothes, shoes, and at best a few accessories once a year around Diwali time. This would change if there was a relative's wedding but nothing beyond that. Time I am talking about is when the resources were low but the ability to use the same kurta for a long time was well ingrained in the Indian way of living. A lot has changed since modernisation. Our decision making ability of buying something is much faster now and repair or reuse is a lot less common. As a result, we are creating about 100m tonnes of textile waste every year. Global textile production has doubled from 2000 to year 2020 from 58m tonnes to about 109m tonnes respectively. Will we stop wearing clothes due to this possible calamity staring us in the eye? Obviously not. But there are few changes which we can bring in. 

We, at Qaushey, are making an honest effort to offer a quiet luxury choice for our customers’ contribution to a cleaner environment. It is a sincere effort to present a thriving future to our kids to enjoy the blessing of natural serenity. Indian handloom provides that obvious choice for some very important reasons. 

  1. When compared to synthetic fibers, such as polyester and nylon, natural fibers such as cotton, linen, and hemp, decompose quickly

  2. Handloom artisans use plant or vegetable based natural colors more than 90% of the time avoiding toxic waste being released into water bodies. 

  3. Synthetic fabrics, such as polyester and acrylic, shed microfibers when they are washed, becoming a major source of water pollution. 

  4. The production of machine made clothing requires a lot of water. For example, a pair of jeans takes 2,700 gallons of water to be manufactured. And we have just about 3% water on earth as fresh water source.

The impetus is on us. Now is the time to make a sustainable choice. Fashion and luxury shouldn’t come at a cost to the planet. 

“Act as if what you’re doing makes a difference. It does”
- William James

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